New OT program in Bremen-Germany is looking for international partnership
The college for Occupational Therapy in Bremen started its program 3 years ago and just graduated the first course in January 2018.
In the new program we try to implement innovative ideas of teaching and learning and are very focused on the theory-practice-theory transfer and on international aspects of OT. We created several learning projects in collaboration with institutions throughout Bremen to realise hands on inform a learning experiences in combination with formal learning. So far we have:
- A project with a day care for severely handicapped adults:two students work once a week with a client for about 5 months and make a small research project.
- A project with clients suffering from chronical mental diseases to promote health and occupational participation.
- An interdisciplinary project:students from Physical Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy colleges work together for one week. During this time they work on possibilities of interdisciplinary collaboration in different clinical settings and therapeutic fields.
- A project with elderly people in a day care to implement meaningful occupations.
- A project with an elementary school to promote learning skills and social interaction.
- A project to increase professional identity and to introduce political and international aspects of OT.
The ENOTHE meeting in Zagreb was very inspiring to me and I am very interested in expanding the international aspects of the program. I start this year with student exchanges for internships and I would like to find more partners, who are interested to send some of their students to Bremen for practical experiences and to supervise some of our students in return.
I am also very much interested in developing international learning projects. I could imagine to integrate international students in some of our existing projects as well as sending our students abroad to be part of a project at your institution.
Please contact me if you are interested in cooperation:
Thank you!