ENOTHE has developed courses for all cycle levels regarding the 2024 TUNING Occupational Therapy competences.
Courses information
Click the images to access pdf with contains information about: course target population, aim of the course, course content outline, facilitators, platform and schedule.
Know that BSc course has 3 scheduled set of dates / options available (they all have the same content so just one should be selected to attend), MSc has 2 scheduled set of dates / options available ( they all have the same content so just one should be selected to attend) and PhD only has one scheduled set of dated available.
We invite you to download the pdf and promote it at your institution.
If you are interested in pursuing all cycles level courses, you can enrol the course package. Click the images to access pdf with contains information about: course target population, aim of the course, course content outline, facilitators, platform and schedule. We invite you to download the pdf and promote it at your institution.