ENOTHE poster at the WFOT Congress
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]On behalf of the ENOTHE board, Soemitro Poerbodipoero presented a poster at the WFOT 2018 Congress. The aim was to present an update on the developments, share experiences and elaborate on how a network organisation learns from engaging in discussion about its continued relevance and sustainability. It does this by ensuring that professional competences comprise and include social and political changes, E-health and entrepreneurship.

This is approached by collaborating with other organisations, networks and stakeholders to promote and develop the profession and to communicate and exchange occupational therapy views and contribute to the wider debate on education, health and social policy.
Considering practice implications, as an educational network, actions undertaken by ENOTHE should have an influence on the content and pedagogy in the education of occupational therapy professionals
By constantly evaluating the new strategic agenda and reflecting on the long term aims and combining this with strategic collaboration with partners practice and research networks, ENOTHE can continue its mission. [/ezcol_2third_end]