General Board Member

Leonie Friedrich


General Board member

(Oct 2022 – Oct2023)

Affiliation: Hogeschool van Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Roles/Duties for the year 2022/23:

Strategic Aim 1: Education – ECOLE: Student’s Interests – Summer School; Strategic Aim 3: Sustainable Network: Governance/Administration; ENOTHE Board member for Communications and Public Relations.

What is the main achievement of your career in OT? Currently I am working as a lecturer in the field of Occupational Therapy at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Before becoming a lecturer, I worked as an occupational therapist within the neurological field, mainly focusing on the cognitive diagnose fase. Next to being able to teach and to join students on their journey of becoming an occupational therapist, I graduated from the European Master of Science in Occupational Therapy. Within this period my interest in internationalisation, with all its aspects, rose. Therefore, I am also more than happy of getting more and more involved in international projects within the university and extern.

What I have to offer to ENOTHE? I think that I can bring in very personal perspectives to ENOTHE. Since I am originally from Germany but did my Bachelor’s abroad and followed an international master’s Program, I am convinced that all these perspectives and personal experiences form my international understanding and support my interest in this field. Next to that, I am a very structured person and team player, aiming for a smooth and transparent communication.

What are your dreams concerning the future of ENOTHE? I am convinced that students of the future must be educated internationally and culturally sensitive to realise current, as well as future issues. To achieve this, my ambition is to make these topics visible and, most important, accessible to all students and educators. Therefore, I aim ENOTHE to become a platform for educators, as well as students within Europe to create an inspiring community in collaboration with OT-Europe to learn, discuss and develop with each other.