General Board Member

Sigitas Mingaila

General Board Member 

(Oct 2019 – Oct 2023)

Affiliation: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania


Roles/Duties for the year 2022/23:

Strategic Aim 3: Sustainable Network: ENOTHE Board member Treasurer, ENOTHE Board contact person for Auditors; ENOTHE Board member for Memberships.

What is the main achievement of your career in OT?

Successful clinical work as an occupational therapist. Research about occupational therapy with patients with neurological disorders. Teaching occupational therapy. Head of Occupational Therapy Program at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. Taking on the role of ENOTHE board member.

What I have to offer to ENOTHE?

Experience gained in designing a study program of occupational therapy and maintaining its sustainability in “new” countries. Collaborative experiences among studies, science and practice.

What are your dreams concerning the future of ENOTHE?

To have more occupational therapy training institutions to be members of ENOTHE. That by members participating in ENOTHE activities it would reduce the distinction between new and experienced countries. Increased role of ENOTHE in expanding the role of occupational therapy in new areas, especially in countries with less experience in occupational therapy.