General Board Member.
Vanessa Heinrich
(BsC, MsC OT)
General Board member
(Oct 2021 – Oct2023)
Affiliation: FH Gesundheit, Health University of Applied Sciences Tyrol, Austria
Roles/Duties for the year 2022/23:
Strategic Aim 1: Education – ECOLE: Student’s Interests – Summer School, Competence Development of Teacher – Webinars; Strategic Aim 3: Sustainable Network: Governance/Administration; ENOTHE Board member for Communications and Public Relations
What is the main achievement of your career in OT?
Currently, I am working in the Occupational Therapy Department at the Health University of Applied Sciences Tyrol (Innsbruck, Austria) and in psychosocial consultancy for people in vulnerable situations due to the COVID pandemic, such as e.g. refugees and migrants. Next to graduating from the European Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, one of my main achievements over the last years has been being part of the growth of the SPOTeurope network as a Student Representative and as Student Board Member. During that time, I have hosted workshops about SPOTeurope and was involved in projects such as the first ENOTHE student summer course, SPOTeurope’s StayHome campaign or the student involvement in the COTEC-ENOTHE congress.
What I have to offer to ENOTHE
I bring in four years of being involved in SPOTeurope and two years of being part of the ENOTHE board. Therefore, I have an insight into current developments, as well as regarding ENOTHE but also regarding the students’ viewpoints across Europe. Moreover, I can offer ENOTHE my passion for internationalisation, my voice and ideas as a young colleague, the motivation to learn and grow and my team work and networking skills. Last but not least, since ENOTHE is registered in Austria, I can help out with my German and local organisation skills.
What are your dreams concerning the future of ENOTHE?
My dream for the future of ENOTHE is to be responsive towards current developments such as social, environmental and digital changes and challenges, in order to provide occupational therapy students an education that is preparing them for their future. To fulfil this dream, I aim for the further development of ECOLE as well as towards a strong collaboration between members and students and within the OT Europe umbrella.