Incoming ENOTHE office collaborator

Marta Figueiredo
ENOTHE office[/ezcol_1quarter] [ezcol_3quarter_end]It is with great joy and commitment to Occupational Therapy that I am now a part of the ENOTHE office.
The fact of engaging with OT colleagues around the world, through my education and professional path, has settled the ground to adjust/adapt to the context/culture of the several present and future members of ENOTHE.
Having in mind the importance and benefits that networking, collaboration, organization, responsibility, time management and advocating bring to our profession, in a world that, still, sometimes does not know what Occupational Therapy is or does, led me to want to be a liaison and a home base for the ENOTHE office and all its challenges to come.
I end this text as I started the one of my ENOTHE office application: Hoping to be successful and having in mind that great things happen if we are available for them.
Thank you for accepting me and I hope to meet you soon![/ezcol_3quarter_end]