OT-EU Coordinating Group representative in Brussels

In the last few years COTEC has been successful in broadening the network and is invited to participate in events in Brussels. However, travelling to Belgium for a two hour meeting requires full day commitment, even for those members of the Executive Committee of COTEC or the board of ENOTHE living in Germany or The Netherlands. For specific meetings e.g of the European Brain Council we have found Belgium experts from the Register of Experts as representatives. Some meetings have a more general subject or for some issues we do not have a special group of experts.
As the human and financial resources are limited the COTEC Executive Committee and the
OT-Europe Coordinating group are very pleased to have met Patricia Flynn, an Irish
occupational therapist who is living in Brussels and is capable and willing to represent OT-
Europe at such meetings and will ensure continuity in the representation.
As with other representatives, an Executive Committee member will clarify the goals of the
meeting, the tasks of the representative and the representative will write a report of the
Members of the Executive Committee / OT-Europe Coordinating Group and experts of the
register will continue to represent the organisation when needed or when appropriate.
Patricia has introduced herself in the COTEC March 2018 Newsletter.