Vice-President of ENOTHE

Caroline Fischl


General Board Member

(1st term: Oct 2021 – Oct 2025)

Affiliation: Jönköping University, Sweden


Roles/Duties for the year 2022/23:

Strategic Aim 1: Education – Developing Curricula: ENOTHE Magazine, Promoting Internasionalisation: ENOTHE Board contact person for 1st OT-Europe Congress, Clarifying OT competence: TUNING, ECOLE: Competence Development of Teacher – Webinars; Strategic Aim 2: Partnerships – Internal: Think Tank, TUNING Task Force, External: OTEurope

What is the main achievement of your career in OT?

Two main achievements so far: (1) Contributing to the knowledge on how to support older adults to engage in daily activities that involve the use of digital technology; and (2) Contributing to the education and professional development of occupational therapists for more than a decade.

What I have to offer to ENOTHE

Commitment to serve and fresh ideas inspired by multiprofessional and multicultural collaborations, pedagogical interests, and experiences as an occupational therapist, educator, international contact person, program manager, and researcher.

What are your dreams concerning the future of ENOTHE?

I would like ENOTHE to be a reliable resource and hub for occupational therapy educators in Europe where they could share and test their ideas on pedagogics and content in occupational therapy education in all three education cycles. I would also like to see ENOTHE as a leading network for establishing collaborations and building partnerships to address current and emerging issues relating to occupational therapy and sustainable health and welfare through education.