World Occupational Science Conference – WOSC 2022



World Occupational Science Conference


Dear Colleagues:

As you may be aware, we are hosting the 1st World Occupational Science Conference (WOSC) in Vancouver, Canada on August 18-20, 2022. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with researchers, clinicians, teachers, families, and policy-makers and to enable dialogue regarding the complex relations between human occupation and society. 



Conference Theme

The theme of this conference “Occupation and Society: Global to Local Perspectives for the Future” recognizes that all occupation occurs within context. Whether people engage in occupations individually or as part of collectives (e.g., familie

s, neighbourhoods, communities), our societies inform our understandings of what people need, want, and are expected to do. This conference will enable dialogue about complex relations between human occupation and society. 


 About the Conference


 Conference Call for Abstracts Extended

The call for abstracts will close on Monday, December 6, 2021 at 24.00 PST (Pacific Standard Time). Be sure to check out the submission guidelines on the website.


 Abstract Submission Guidelines


 Apply Now!

We invite contributions from around the world for all those interested in the conference theme and the discipline of occupational science. Submissions may be theoretical, educational, or research based.

There are three types of submissions:

  1. Oral presentations will be approximately 15 minutes and will be followed by a question period
  2. Poster presentations will be presented followed by a question period
  3. Dialogic session will be interactive sessions of 55 minutes, where active participation and engagement is required

Abstract Publication

Accepted abstracts will be published on the Journal of Occupational Science website.


 Submit Abstract