#OTPOWER: Breaking the Barriers

This is a collaborative project carried out by students of Occupational Therapy from Portugal, Spain, Armenia and Georgia and aims to promote occupational therapy among the population of the participating countries, raise awareness of the role that an occupational therapist can have in social inclusion – through realising which are the specific needs and realities of each country – and share values and knowledge among OT Power students.

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President’s Message – Winter 2017

(ENOTHE President)

[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]Dear members of ENOTHE,

We still look back at a successful Annual Meeting in Zagreb organised by Saša Radić, president of the Croatian Association of Occupational Therapists and her team together, with the ENOTHE office and members of the ENOTHE board. This was in collaboration with the staff and students of the local University. A great deal of effort was put in to making Occupational Therapy visible and valued in Croatia and other European Countries.

Saša was able to attract many sponsors making this event and social dinner available for all attendees. Apart from the excellent content of the keynote speakers and workshops, we were impressed by the choir and dancers. [/ezcol_2third_end] Read more

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