COHEHRE Conference 2017 and Portuguese student Conference ENETO
[ezcol_1third]From April 5-7 2017 Vice-President of ENOTHE Johanna Stadler-Grillmaier and board member Soemitro Poerbodipoero had the opportunity to participate in the COHEHRE conference in Sebutal, Portugal. COHEHRE is (like ENOTHE) a network organisation and has as its aims to develop and[/ezcol_1third][ezcol_2third_end]
[/ezcol_2third_end]enhance the quality of Higher Education in Health and Rehabilitation by means of international cooperation in the field of education, research and development.
It is a limited but developed and efficient network with experience and focus on COHEHRE Academy fostering professional development for teachers and students. The theme of the conference was ‘educational implications of globalisation and global citizenship’. Towards our own annual meeting in Zagreb many keynote lectures and workshops stressed the importance of these topics in education and the complex inter-professional challenges we face now and in the future on humanitarian crisis, 21st century skills and educational development for globalization. To explore the way the COHEHRE network and the COHEHRE Academy work the representatives from both the COHEHRE and the ENOTHE board had a meeting which resulted in the agreement that both network organizations will address future collaboration by putting it on the agenda of the networks boards. The two organisations can possibly learn from each other and though COHEHRE’s main focus is interdisciplinary , ENOTHE and COHEHRE members can benefit from mutual areas in education, opportunities for courses, conferences and student programs. [ezcol_1half]
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[ezcol_1third]Being near Lisbon gave the opportunity to visit and present an ongoing Portuguese OT student conference in Estoril on April 8 and at the same time visit and explore the hosting university for the ENOTHE Annual Meeting in 2018. We were warmly welcomed by Sílvia Coelho Martins, adjunct [/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]
[/ezcol_2third_end]director of the ‘Departamento de Terapia Ocupacional, Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão.’ It was a great opportunity to be able to present ENOTHE to the students and explain the history, the benefits and the upcoming conference in Zagreb to the students from all the four schools in Portugal. The head of the scientific board for WFOT18, Roshan Galvaan from South Arfica , presented as well at the student conference.

It is a limited but developed and efficient network with experience and focus on COHEHRE Academy fostering professional development for teachers and students. The theme of the conference was ‘educational implications of globalisation and global citizenship’. Towards our own annual meeting in Zagreb many keynote lectures and workshops stressed the importance of these topics in education and the complex inter-professional challenges we face now and in the future on humanitarian crisis, 21st century skills and educational development for globalization. To explore the way the COHEHRE network and the COHEHRE Academy work the representatives from both the COHEHRE and the ENOTHE board had a meeting which resulted in the agreement that both network organizations will address future collaboration by putting it on the agenda of the networks boards. The two organisations can possibly learn from each other and though COHEHRE’s main focus is interdisciplinary , ENOTHE and COHEHRE members can benefit from mutual areas in education, opportunities for courses, conferences and student programs. [ezcol_1half]