Message from the President (Spring 2018)

Marie-Antoinette Minis
(ENOTHE President)
Meanwhile, the Board has been busy with officially registering the association. Moreover, despite several applications, we were able to find a more permanent solution for the office. A new address has been offered by the Austrian Association of Occupational Therapy. The bank account has been opened in Vienna.
After the job interviews, Mandy Boaz has offered her expertise to gradually step down. This means when the service contract with John St John University ends in May, she will stay as a self-employed office employee. [/ezcol_2third_end][ezcol_2third]Ben Atkin has to step down and we thank him for his valuable contribution over the past couple of years. Also, thanks to York St John University for hosting the ENOTHE office for four years. In the period of transition, Marta Figueiredo from Portugal will take over the office as a self employed person. She introduces herself in the post Incoming ENOTHE Office Collaborator.
Elsewhere, the archive is cleaned and the remaining valuable documents will be put on the website. Some physical material will be brought to Portugal in October for you to take home.[/ezcol_2third] [ezcol_1third_end] Right to left: Mandy, Ben, Marta.[/ezcol_1third_end]The office has now deployed an abstract management system to collect abstracts for the 24th ENOTHE Annual Meeting 2018 and beyond, as well as developing ENOTHE’s own financial system. Exciting times with good results.
Meanwhile the preparations for the Annual Meeting in Portugal 2018 are in full speed: selecting themes, keynote speakers, locations etc.
The collaboration with COTEC is focused on developing an OT-EU association and the preparations of the OT-EU congress in Prague. Furthermore, several letters of recommendation have been sent by COTEC, ENOTHE and WFOT to stakeholders in order to support colleagues in waiving external threats, like closing the programme or to support developments of a new programme. Governance often has to do with politics.
I now conclude my message with an analysis of the previous two newsletters. Since moving to the new format of linking newsletter articles by email to the website (instead of sending all news in a PDF), only a small number of subscribers have actuallly opened and engaged with the emails (see figures below).
[ezcol_1half]Newsletter 8 – May 2017
[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]Newsletter 9 – December 2017
In order for our news and developments to reach you, we urge you as our subscriber to inform us if you have not received the email or you having difficulty opening it. Your feedback is always welcome.
I thank you for your support and I look forward to addressing you again over the summer with more developments.
Your president,
Marie-Antoinette Minis