President’s Message

Marie-Antoinette Minis
(ENOTHE President)[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]Dear members of ENOTHE,
In our strategy plan it has been stated that building partnerships among members is an important goal. Therefore, we the board are pleased to announce that several efforts have been taken by members to find contacts through board members. However the task of the board is to encourage and empower members to find partners through the network themselves during the year and at the General Assembly. This is why we invite you all to use the website and this newsletter to publish announcements to find each other whether this about a certain topic, exchange of ideas or sending in an abstract for a workshop where ideas can be exchanged during the Annual Meeting. Use the network to learn from each other.[/ezcol_2third_end]
Topics mentioned in several e-mails:
- How to use simulation contacts in education.
- How to examine practice placement education for students in the changing educational landscape.
- Support in the Design and Delivery of Degree programme In Occupational Therapy.
Also announcements and invitations find their way to the board:
“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacău, in collaboration with “Angel Kancev” University of Russe, Bulgaria and the associations of both countries have undertaken the venture of organizing the 1st International OT Conference – Present State and Future Prospects on the 16th and 17th of June 2017 in Bacau, Romania (PDF 489 kB).
Sincerely, PhD. senior lecturer, Marinela Rata
Further news:
The British Journal of Occupational Therapy invited the President of COTEC and ENOTHE to write an editorial about the output of the OT-EU workshops in Galway. The title of the publication is: Using evidence-based practice and research in political arenas.
Don’t forget: share the newsletter with your colleagues.
Sincerely yours,