President’s Message – Winter 2017

Marie-Antoinette Minis
(ENOTHE President) [/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]Dear members of ENOTHE,
We still look back at a successful Annual Meeting in Zagreb organised by Saša Radić, president of the Croatian Association of Occupational Therapists and her team together, with the ENOTHE office and members of the ENOTHE board. This was in collaboration with the staff and students of the local University. A great deal of effort was put in to making Occupational Therapy visible and valued in Croatia and other European Countries.
Saša was able to attract many sponsors making this event and social dinner available for all attendees. Apart from the excellent content of the keynote speakers and workshops, we were impressed by the choir and dancers. [/ezcol_2third_end]
This year the organisation of the General Assembly was challenging because of the amount of items that had to be addressed e.g. the proposal to create an official association with a registered constitution. On behalf of the board, Johanna Stadler-Grillmaier continues to be making progress and it is expected that the association will be established in January 2018. The ENOTHE bank account can then be opened in Austria.
One vacancy in the board was fulfilled by the re-election of Marie-Antoinette Minis.
A challenge is to fulfil the vacancy of the office. York St John University has decided to end the service level agreement with ENOTHE. Meanwhile a solution is in sight.
Use the network as a platform
We would like to encourage all members to publish their plans and achievements in their own countries through ENOTHE newsletter and social media so that international activities like national congresses are shared across members during the year.
During the Pre-General Assembly and GA the board promised a more detailed overview of the achievements of board and members in an Annual Report 2016-2017 year and the proposed action plan 2018 related to the Strategic Plan.
Annual Report ENOTHE board and members 2016-2017 (PDF 77.5 kB)
Proposed Action plan ENOTHE board and members 2018 (PDF 65 kB)