Save the date!
The 2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Congress will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, September 23rd – 27th, 2020. The theme of the Congress is “Occupational Therapy Europe – building resilience in individuals, communities and countries”.
The Joint Congress will offer an opportunity for expertise from education, practice, research and policy to join on the same platform. This will provide an opportunity for delegates to benefit from the integration of recent developments in all four aspects of practice. The Czech Association of Occupational Therapists and the Faculty of Arts at Charles University are the co-hosts of the Congress.
The planning of the Congress is in progress. COTEC Vice President Anu Söderström and ENOTHE Treasurer Ursula Gubler Thomann who are members of the Organising Committee and ENOTHE Board member Soemitro Poerbodipoero who is a member of the Scientific Committee.
Abstract submission and registration will open early 2019. Please follow the congress webpage for details about the abstract submission, program and registration.

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2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Joint Congress 2020