
ECOLE will pursue a coherent approach, including quality assurance activities. It will provide a cohesive structure, responding to the stated core values.
Examples include:
– Unified project plan
– Unified internal quality assurance using the same assessment tools and eventually getting the data for research.


ECOLE will take an active role in introducing, facilitating, empowering and bench-marking between partners assuring external quality.


ECOLE will own the products developed by ECOLE. Besides the initiators of the project, ECOLE will also be allowed to use and disseminate the designed products within future activities of ECOLE.


See below the organisational diagram.


Participation on the ENOTHE Think Tank, ECOLE Projects and Courses Task Force and as Partners implies an updated ENOTHE membership.

If you wish to express your interest in participating in the ENOTHE Think Tank and / or Courses and Projects Task Forces, find more information here.