Firstly the ENOTHE Board and office would like to thank Amsterdam School of Health Professions, Soemitro Poebodipoero and Stephanie Saenger (President of COTEC) for being excellent hosts.
The Board had a guided tour of the new facilities led by Danée Arends, an Occupational Therapy student of the University.
The University provided an excellent lunch in the dining room and enabled new Board members to meet with our Colleagues from COTEC.

Financial Advisory Reference Group Meeting (FARG)
A FARG meeting took place in Abcoude, Amsterdam. Ton Satink and Luc Vercruysse met with the ENOTHE office staff and Ursula Gubler Thomann (Treasurer) to discuss ENOTHE finances. The role of FARG is to monitor how ENOTHE members’ money is being for used.

The new ENOTHE Board had three full days meetings as there is a great deal of work that the network requires progressing by the Board. Topics included working as a team, identifying roles and responsibilities, developing an action plan based upon the ENOTHE Strategy 2016 – 2020 and reviewing project applications. The Board were very pleased to receive six project proposal applications. All project applicants will receive a response in the very near future.
Discussion and evaluation took place following the first 2016 COTEC ENOTHE Congress held in Galway, Ireland and preparations for the 2017 ENOTHE Annual Meeting to be held in Zagreb, Croatia were considered.

OT-EU developments
Joint meetings took place between the two presidents and vice presidents, and the full ENOTHE Board and the COTEC Executive Committee with the focus being on how to progress OT-EU developments.