2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Joint Congress 2020

Save the date!

The 2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Congress will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, September 23rd – 27th, 2020. The theme of the Congress is “Occupational Therapy Europe – building resilience in individuals, communities and countries”.

The Joint Congress will offer an opportunity for expertise from education, practice, research and policy to join on the same platform. This will provide an opportunity for delegates to benefit from the integration of recent developments in all four aspects of practice. The Czech Association of Occupational Therapists and the Faculty of Arts at Charles University are the co-hosts of the Congress.

The planning of the Congress is in progress. COTEC Vice President Anu Söderström and ENOTHE Treasurer Ursula Gubler Thomann who are members of the Organising Committee and ENOTHE Board member Soemitro Poerbodipoero who is a member of the Scientific Committee.

Abstract submission and registration will open early 2019. Please follow the congress webpage for details about the abstract submission, program and registration.

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2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Joint Congress 2020


Official Greek version of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COMP-5)

[ezcol_1third][/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_2third_end]It is a great pleasure to announce that the official Greek version of the latest edition of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM- 5) will be available from the beginning of April. It is the first Occupational Therapy assessment tool focusing on client centered practice officially translated into Greek. Originating from Canada, it is internationally renowned and widely used, grounded on Occupational Therapy theory, appropriate for most areas of clinical practice. It will be a valuable resource for Greek speaking Occupational Therapists and their clients, with the potential of contributing to education and research.[/ezcol_2third_end]

The official translation into the Greek language and the scientific editing was done by Dr. Panagiotis Siaperas (OT and Research Associate of the University of Cambridge) and Ms. Polyxeni Skaltsi, MSc (Senior OT, Eginition Hospital, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens). Both editors are teaching staff of the Occupational Therapy department of the Metropolitan College in Greece (ENOTHE member).


                         Dr. P. Siaperas[/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]

                                Ms P. Skaltsi[/ezcol_1half_end]

New OT program in Bremen-Germany is looking for international partnership

The college for Occupational Therapy in Bremen started its program 3 years ago and just graduated the first course in January 2018.

In the new program we try to implement innovative ideas of teaching and learning and are very focused on the theory-practice-theory transfer and on international aspects of OT. We created several learning projects in collaboration with institutions throughout Bremen to realise hands on inform a learning experiences in combination with formal learning. So far we have:

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Exchange studies at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm Sweden, news 2018

[ezcol_1half]The Occupational Therapy programme at Karolinska Institutet (KI) has an option of courses taught in English as well as clinical rotation possibilities (https://ki.se/en/education/occupational-therapy-2017-2018).

In addition, in line with KI’s Action Plan for Internationalisation to increase the international perspective within education (https://ki.se/en/collaboration/internationalisation-strategy), the Occupational Therapy programme is also proud to inform you that we have a new and interesting course given in English called Participation and Environment (7,5 ECTS). This course is a part of the regular undergraduate Swedish Occupational Therapy programme completed in both the spring and autumn semester. In the Participation and environment course the students learn about important and highly interesting concepts in today’s society like accessibility, usability and universal design, social constructivist views on disability, independence, autonomy, participation and empowerment.

In the spring semesters we offer the internationally popular course Community and homebased rehabilitation (CHBR) of 7, 5 ECTS which gives the students invaluable intercultural and inter-professional insights from around the world. This course is taught by an international group of lecturers and attended by students from all over the globe creating a diverse and dynamic group of students and an excellent international learning environment. Complementing this we have every spring the opportunity to participate in a short-mobility organised as an inter-professional International Mobility Week 3 ECTS, one-week education[/ezcol_1half][ezcol_1half_end]programme followed by one week at the home university. This week is a collaboration between three universities in Europe (Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, and KI) and provides opportunities for students to enhance their professional identity and to increase their understanding of the various roles in relation to a global context.

Apart from these courses there are some courses of clinical rotation to apply to as well. Most noteworthy here is perhaps the quite unique possibility to join an inter-professional student run ward for 2 weeks of clinical rotation- learn to grow in to your future role as an Occupational Therapist whilst at the same time learning together with, about and from students from other professions under close supervision of highly competent supervisors. The inter-professional Clinical education course of 3 ECTS only is given in the autumn semester.

We find it important to offer all our students the possibility to further increase their international- and intercultural competence, so if you have thoughts of spending some study time in Stockholm make sure to check out our options of courses and take them into serious consideration. We look forward to hearing from you.



Facilitating Student Engagement in Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Integrating TRAMmCPD into the pre-registration Curricula in Wales, UK

In the United Kingdom (UK), evidence of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a mandatory requirement of being a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) registered Occupational Therapist.

As part of their education Occupational Therapy students in Wales are required to develop academic, personal and professional skills, understand the principles of CPD and to record evidence of their development on their journey towards professional qualification. Achievement of this is measured in a variety of ways including learning contracts, summative/formative assignments, placement assessment, reflections, portfolio entries and annual personal/professional development reviews (PDR).

Despite this focus in University, anecdotal evidence suggests many newly qualified occupational therapists find it difficult to understand the principles/importance of recognising their engagement in, applying their learning from and measuring the impact of their CPD. Students have also struggled to differentiate what does and does not contribute to CPD during their intensive studies. We have spent a number of years developing the TRAMm (Tell, Record, Activities, Monitor and measure) Model (Hearle et al. 2016) for CPD and are in the process of integrating the model to inform and guide personal and professional development within the occupational therapy curricula across both Cardiff and Glyndwr Universities in Wales, UK.

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News from Italy

Italy became a contributing member of ENOTHE last year through the support of the Italian Scientific Association of Occupational Therapy (SITO) associated with the Italian Association of Occupational Therapists (AITO). The decision to join ENOTHE was made by the fact that Italian occupational therapists working to educate future colleagues are eager to exchange experiences with other occupational therapists throughout Europe and to be able to offer an international perspective of the profession to our students. Most of the students once licensed remain in the country, but there are some though working abroad (for example in the UK, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Switzerland) to enrich their professional experiences.

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