4th International Scientific Conference on Occupational Therapy


The University of Ruse and the Association of Bulgarian Ergotherapists are delighted to invite you to the 4th International Scientific Conference on Occupational Therapy Building Bridges to Social Inclusion in the Balkan Region, organized in collaboration with the University of Bacau and the Professional Association of Occupational Therapists from Romania.

The conference will be held online on the 6th of November 2021. It aims to bring together Occupational Therapists from the Balkan region. Therefore it will end up with a Meet and Greet session for representatives from the Balkan countries.

Please, follow the registration link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-JiMzEtm-PuecWLUX_b9Tr1MbB_dwq8rE4OehOY_9ceEZeQ/viewform


International Mobility Week Amsterdam

Dear Colleagues,

We hope that most of you have made a great start to the new school year. Prior to the summer I had contact with some of you about our international mobility week in Amsterdam. For others I am reaching out for the first time to see if you and your students would like to get involved.

Here in the Netherlands we are slowly “opening up” normal life again, while still struggling with fluctuating infection numbers. We have started again with classes on campus, with the rule that we cannot be with more than 75 students in a classroom at a time. We are of course very curious how this is going to work out the coming months, though we are happy to have the energy of the students back in our buildings again.

Due to the current uncertainty of the COVID rates in the Netherlands and the changing travel rules we have decided that it is not a moment to stimulate and promote a large group of students travelling internationally. Therefore, we are happy to share with you that we will be organizing our International Mobility Week online again! Last year we had a wonderful week, and we are confident that we can have again a valuable online international experience. Also, we are hopeful that by organizing our Mobility Week online, we can make it possible for even more of you to join! The International days will take place from November 10-12th, 2021.

Therefore, I would like to send you the link for registration which you can use to register yourself, and your students. Please be sure to register by October 31st so that we have a good indication of numbers and can make the appropriate online arrangements for groups/accounts etc. https://hva.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b74zP2JdUNMUDVc

If you would like to join us for the staff program, please also register via this link. The staff program will take place on November 11th and will focus on exploring different frameworks and terminology for incorporating international competencies into our curriculums.

If possible, it would also be wonderful if some of you would be willing to coach a group of students again this year! Students will work on group projects together and get a ‘challenge’ every day. The coach ‘stops by’ on Wednesday and Thursday (roughly 30-60 mins) to see how the students are progressing. On Friday coaches are present for the presentations. There is an option on the registration form to sign up to be a coach so please let us know!

here is a brief overview of the course so students have an idea of the timing of the sessions and the course assignment. It is expected that students attend all sessions because they will be working in groups. If you have students who would like to participate but have to miss a session, just have them email myself or Jodie and we will look at options.

We are excited to see that there are already many registrations for the week!


If there are any questions please do contact us and we look forward to hopefully seeing you all online very soon! If you would like to meet for a quick chat, I will also be attending the online COTEC-ENOTHE conference this week as I’m sure many of you are, so we can meet for an online coffee!


Best Regards,


Also on behalf of Jodie, Irene and Hanifa – the Mobility week organization team

ENOTHE 2021 Summer Newsletter

OT-Europe Workshops (Pre-Conference Workshops of the 2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Congress 2021)


Dear members, colleagues, authors and participants,

The Scientific Committee is very pleased to announce that the workshop leaders of the OT-Europe workshops have managed to plan great sessions towards the congress.

The themes of the workshops are very relevant to the overarching theme on resilience and reflect the contemporary ‘state of the art’ expertise in Occupational Therapy research, education and practice. Workshop leaders have been asked the difficult task and effort to merge several abstracts into a joint session, deepening the theme.

The program is as follows:

OT-Europe Workshop Interdisciplinary Delirium

  • 8thJuly; Thursday ; 16:00 – 18:00 CET
  • Lead: Dr. Christian Pozzi (SUPSI – University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland)

OT-Europe Workshop E-Health

  • 31stAugust; Tuesday; 15:00CET
  • Lead: Dr. Susanne Guidetti (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm)

OT-Europe Workshop Health Literacy

  • 1stSeptember; Wednesday ; 15:00 – 18:00 CET
  • Lead: Eva Denysiuk (COTEC)

OT-Europe Workshop School-Based OT

  • 9thSeptember; Thursday ; 15.00 – 18.00 CET
  • Lead: Dr. Debbie Kramer-Roy (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)

OT-Europe Workshop Displaced Persons

  • 10th  September 2021; Friday ; 16:00 – 19:00 CET
  • Lead: MS. Nadine Blankvoort (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences)

The pre-congress OT-Europe workshops have limited capacity and only registered participants of the congress can sign-up and participate (for free). So please, if you are interested, register for the conference first here and subsequently register for the workshops here. Since the workshops are organised and hosted by ENOTHE and COTEC, their platforms (Teams or Zoom) will be used to stream the events.

With these workshops, Occupational Therapy Europe makes a first, but important step towards the celebration of the register of experts. During the virtual congress there will be an OT-Europe Expert session in which the outcome of the workshops will be summarized and shared and next steps will be taken to let these areas develop in the congress, after the congress and even more in the future.

Find the congress programme HERE.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact: cotec-enothe2020@oteurope.eu

There are great online exhibit possibilities for sponsors, so do not forget to check out the new Prospectus on the congress website and spread the word. Follow the updates and deadlines closely on the conference website.

On behalf of both boards, the Organising and Scientific Committees we wish you all the best for now and are looking very much forward to meet you all online!

Soemitro Poerbodipoero (ENOTHE President) & Anu Söderström (COTEC President)

Call for applications – OT-Europe Congress Participation Grant

Occupational Therapy Europe will through the OT-Europe Congress Participation Grant support financially four Occupational Therapy students by paying their participation fees to the 2nd COTEC-ENOTHE Congress 2021.
The Congress will be held virtually September 15-18, 2021.
The OT-Europe Congress Participation Grant  covers the registration fee for the Congress which includes:
  • Online access to all parts to the scientific program and technical support for all parts of the program
  • E-book of abstracts
  • Electronically accessible overview of the program
COTEC, ENOTHE, ROTOS and OT-Europe will each select one grant recipient.
Criteria for nominations for the ENOTHE share of Grant is the following:
  • the nominee should be actively involved within SPOTeurope (e.g. within a mini SPOT, as student representative)
  • the nominee from low-income country will have a priority
  • the nominee should write a motivation letter with max 150 in support of the nomination
Application should be sent to info@enothe.eu by May 29, 2021.
Recipients will be announced May 31, 2021 and all applicants will be contacted by this date.
The recipient will be registered by OT-Europe and will receive the registration details to her/his email. The registration link is personal and should not be shared with another person.
Kind regards, 
ENOTHE and SPOTeurope Boards
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